Borchard Lines’ 95%+ reliability in 2021


In the period 1st January to 31st May 2021, Borchard Lines’ schedule reliability has remained at its high levels, averaging between 95-100% on time, consistent over both quarters.


In the period 1st January to 31st May 2021, Borchard Lines’ schedule reliability has remained at its high levels, averaging between 95%-100% on time, consistent over both quarters. This is in comparison to a global industry average of 40.3% (March 2021 figures).

The consistency of service in these difficult times, the current situation in many ports and the weather during this period, is a hallmark of the service offered by colleagues at sea and on land.

It does not always work perfectly though. In one voyage, the ship missed its window in a port by 1.5 hours and had to wait several days for a berth. This caused the ship to miss three ports on the rotation. As an independent flexible Line, utilising other services and modes, most urgent cargo was carried in limited quantities.

Borchard Lines works closely with its port and landside partners to provide just in time logistics. Many ports are suffering from the effects of erratic cargo flows, delayed ship arrivals and of course the pandemic. This has had detrimental effects on the movement of equipment which is in short supply. The Line is affected by this but aims to find client and cargo focussed solutions.

Click on below image to view Borchard Lines’ Reliability KPI.

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